May 14, 2013

Little changes, Small surprise

I had a bit of an impulse moment earlier, deciding to trade my Kasumi for a Yo-sd Lin. I had brought Kasumi out for a doll-meet (as, if you don't know yet, I am preparing to move house, and everyone else is pretty much packed up nicely in their boxes...only Kasumi doesn't have a box), and my friend took a liking to him/her and requested a trade. Somehow it worked out...because I've always wanted a Lin, but just never had an opportunity to welcome one into the clan. I had been planning to re-shell my Kasumi's character, so the timing was great. Honestly, I loved Kasumi's face-up. It was a real masterpiece by the lovely and talented AngelToast. But I never bonded much with Kasumi, and the face-up was a last-ditch effort to save our relationship (this makes it sound so serious!) The thing that really clinched the deal for me was that Lin had an equally beautiful face-up (done by a well-known korean artist, Rabiruna - something I only found out a few minutes ago, after I had already brought her home.)

I've never done a trade on impulse, and I really hope I don't regret it. But right now, things are feeling pretty good. As for the character...Lin's (I really need to give her a name) personality is very different from the gentle but boyish Kasumi, and she is taking to the role in a completely different way. That being said, I don't think it's a bad thing. She's very stunning in her own way.

Volks Yo-tenshi Kasumi as Yukina

Volks Yo-sd Lin portraying the same character differently

Edit: I found that the bottom of her chin has a chip on the face-up. Wonder if I can get that fixed without changing the face-up?

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