April 6, 2012


I saw a Fairyland Pukifee PongPong this morning and I thought "OMG! I MUST HAVE IT!" I feel like I just NEED TO wake up everyday and look into that adorable smiley face. And the sleeping faceplate just kills me. Must. Get. One. Most adorable thing...ever.

(In above picture: Peachmarine's girl, Pimousse.)

Another "must-get" is one of these RIDICULOUSLY DELIGHTFUL outfits for pukifee/lati yellow size. (Takeru: TAKE-CHAN WANT BUNNY OUTFIT NAO MAMA! *insert cute face*) The sheep outfit is adorable too, and I can already see it on my future-PongPong-to-be.

However, as the story goes...I have no money. My boss has left on a week long trip to Japan (having forgotten to hand me last month's paycheck), and I will be in Australia the week after. So, it will be two weeks before my frighteningly empty wallet gets a much-needed refill.

My wishlist for BJDs seems to be growing longer and longer.

Also...I got Soomed. Again. Just when I thought I got all the Sooms I wanted (Alk and Glot), I discovered...Ender. That face + those abs. Another "must-have". Honestly, it hasn't been easy for me to find a male sculpt that I like. Other than "boyfriend" that is.

Someone just posted up a Leekeworld wig G.O. on the BJD forums...I am so tempted to get a new wig for Momoki (a pink one!). Most likely it will be this one. It has the kind of half wild, half ethereal look that I was trying to give Momoki. To get or not to get, that is the question. In any case I am about to buy this most adorable Kim0no set for her. Pictures soon.

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