October 22, 2012

Work In Progress...

So much custom work is in progress for my resin kids. Been all over the place looking for people who can create what I need to complete each look. For now the only one I feel is really close to being complete is Kaibara, her faceup, wig and eyes are already done. As for the rest...

Mori - Something doesn't sit right with me when it comes to Mori...But at the moment, I have no idea what to do with her, so she will stay as is.

Morning - I sent her off to the face-up artist recently, and her face-up has been completed. I am very happy with it. Attempting to commission a wig to go with it. Speaking of her face-up, I am very impressed with it.

Before Photo: Taken by Nix.
After Photo: Taken by the face-up artist Allemarthe.
Morning's new face-up, by a local face-up artist, Allemarthe (Likhang Mukha Aesthetics). The eyes are her original eyes (which I plan to change) and the wig belongs to the artist.

Elune - I already love her face-up, so unless something does happen to it, I'm going to leave it. Have yet to find a wig or an outfit than I feel will really suit her, but I already have an idea of what kind of look I'm aiming for.

Dante - Bleh. I don't hate his face-up...actually, I do.  I hate it very much. Honestly, as much as I love him, I have to admit that I am purely keeping him due to emotional attachment rather than any love for his look. Can't decide what to do about him.

Kaibara - She's amazing. Her face-up is amazing and her wig and eyes are amazing. She just needs some shoes really.

As for the little ones: I am quite settled with Momo and Tomo...I probably won't make any changes to these two anytime soon. The rest that I have decided to keep face-ups for are Yuri, Yume and Mizzy. Akari is out for re-face...I may redo his face-up if I don't like it (Oh wait, I forgot he's become a her now!). I haven't even half figured out what to do with Asako, and I don't feel like changing Shiina due to sentimental reasons.

So that's that for now.

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